A platform for clinicians to gather information on and submit patient cases for DNA sequencing, analysis, reporting, & more. Will be able to run analytic pipelines on sequenced DNA...
Data coordination portal for the 4D Nucleome (4DN) project built in Harvard Medical School's Department of Biomedical Informatics (HMS DBMI). Leading front-end development. A single-page application (SPA) built...
An in-progress project for connecting those looking to buy beautiful homes to real estate agents. Horizontally scalable with OpenShift PaaS, using MongoDB and Redis as persistent and temporary...
My Issues (name not final) is a prototypical citizen-centric e-participation platform which aims to enhance the quantity and quality of communication between citizens and their representatives in legislature. This...
This is an experimental simulation of a combinatorial auction created in about two weeks for a course where-in multiple employees may auto-bid via a scoring mechanism using data such...
Before this website, there were other iterations. Here are screenshots from one of the first. Content was managed with one big JSON file and it was eventually scrapped in...
This was a proof-of-concept script & interface coded in 15-20 hours in Python without any third-party dependencies (e.g. Django, Bottle, SQLAlchemy, etc.) to provide a way of managing newsletters...