ViewPoint Kiosks - Marketing Site

ViewPoint Kiosks - Marketing Site

This is a marketing website which was initially created in one week and then expanded & iterated on in response to added requirements. Its purpose is to market ViewPoint...

PHPJavaScriptBolt CMSGraphic DesignSilexDoctrineTwigFoundationCSS3

ICS User Experience Page

ICS User Experience Page

Development of the ICS User Experience 'parallax' marketing page (in finalization as of February 2014). Performed complete implementation of the design & mockups, which was produced by ICS's...


ICS Portfolio & Tag Views

ICS Portfolio & Tag Views

Goal of this project was to present better ways of navigating site's vast supply of content based on users' interest. To start, it was decided to create 'by-tag'...

JavaScriptCSS3PHPGraphic DesignMasonry

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

Before this website, there were other iterations. Here are screenshots from one of the first. Content was managed with one big JSON file and it was eventually scrapped in...

CSS3PythonPHPBolt CMSJavaScriptCanvas

AppVillage - Designs & Prototypes

AppVillage - Designs & Prototypes

AppVillage was an enterprise-oriented download and license manager created by ICS on which I served in various design and design development roles, including theme development and design & prototyping...


ICS Portfolio

ICS Portfolio

An interactive HTML5 & JS portfolio which was originally created as a standalone web app within a CakePHP website and later integrated into Drupal 7. Features of the portfolio...

JavaScriptPHPDrupalPhotoshopGraphic Design

ICS Website Layout

ICS Website Layout

Migration, slight redesign, & update of ICS's main website. Primary goal was to migrate from CakePHP CMS to Drupal 7, so design was not the biggest consideration until later...

JavaScriptPHPDrupalCSS3Graphic Design

ICS Website Updates

ICS Website Updates

After the initial migration to Drupal 7, several iterations to the site design were made over time. One design goal was for a slimmer header which took up less...

JavaScriptDrupalCSS3Graphic DesignPHP

Qt Developer Days Conferences

Qt Developer Days Conferences

ICS hosted the North American component of the Qt Developer Days conference in 2013, 2013, and 2014, as well as the Qt World Summit in 2015. For each of...

PHPJavaScriptDrupalGraphic DesignPhotoshop3D